A general contractor’s guide to keeping your employees motivated


General contractors understand the importance of keeping employees motivated to maintain productivity and efficiency in the construction industry. However, it can be a challenge to keep employees motivated due to factors such as long hours, physically demanding work, and the nature of the industry. In this blog post, we will explore strategies that general contractors can use to keep their employees motivated, including clear communication, recognition and rewards, opportunities for growth and development, work-life balance, and a positive work environment.

Clear Communication

Clear communication between general contractors and employees is key to keeping employees motivated. Regular meetings and open-door policies can help to improve communication and keep employees informed about company goals and expectations. When employees feel heard and valued, it can increase motivation and job satisfaction.  Asana have put together these 12 tips for effective communication in the workplace.

Recognition and Rewards

Recognition and rewards can have a significant impact on employee motivation, as employees are more likely to be motivated when they feel valued and appreciated. Bonuses, paid time off, and promotions are just a few of the ways that general contractors can recognize and reward their employees. To effectively use recognition and rewards, general contractors should consider the individual needs and preferences of their employees.  Cat Symonds at Factorial HR provides tips on “How to develop an effective compensation strategy in 6 steps” here.

Opportunities for Growth and Development

Opportunities for growth and development can play a significant role in keeping employees motivated. Training and education programs can help employees to acquire new skills, knowledge, and experience, which can increase job satisfaction and motivation. General contractors should assess the needs and interests of their employees and provide opportunities for growth and development that meet their needs.  Frances Frei is a Professor of Technology and Operations Management at Harvard Business School and she sets out some tips on “how leaders can empower everyone around them” in this podcast.  

Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is important for employee motivation, as employees are more likely to be motivated when they feel that their work and personal life are in balance. Promoting flexible schedules and offering paid time off are just a few of the strategies that general contractors can use to promote work-life balance. By promoting work-life balance, general contractors can improve motivation and job satisfaction among their employees.  Here are some alternative views from Arianna Huffington on the concept of work-life balance..

Positive Work Environment

A positive work environment can also play a key role in keeping employees motivated. General contractors can promote a positive work environment by fostering teamwork and respect, as well as creating a culture that values and supports employees. By creating a positive work environment, general contractors can improve morale and job satisfaction among their employees, which can increase motivation and productivity.


Mark Di Vincenzo says it best on the American Express blog for Small Businesses here:

“Plenty of studies of the construction industry have come to this conclusion: Motivation significantly influences productivity, and a high level of motivation results in a higher level of productivity”.

In conclusion, keeping employees motivated is important for the success of any construction company. By using strategies such as clear communication, recognition and rewards, opportunities for growth and development, work-life balance, and a positive work environment, general contractors can ensure that their employees are motivated and engaged in their work. With motivated employees, general contractors can drive success and achieve their business goals.

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